I began reading a new book, Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen. I am beginning to seriously learn more about Buddhism or buddha-dharma.
At the moment, I am sipping tea and typing while listening to some ambient music. I must be in total chill-out mode.
Monday I went to my mom's house and my ex, Mark, came by. He brought my mom flowers and a card. That was very nice of him and my mother was very thankful. He had not been to my mom's house in three years, but my mom's dog, Buggs (yes, two "g"s), still remembered him.
Mark has grown a beard and mustache since I last saw him a couple of months ago. It suits him. He seems to have the face for it and I think it blends well with his personality.
My weekend has ended as I knew it would and always will.
B and I went to Barnes and Noble Tuesday night. This time we went to a different one, the one on Pleasant Hill Road in Gwinnett. The lady at the checkout was super friendly. She's a nurse in addition to working part time at the bookstore. She told me she was hyperactive, when I asked how she worked twelve hour shifts as a nurse and then part time at B&N. She was very talkative and we compared our stories of how we handle working nights. She sleeps 3 to 5 hours a day. Contrast that with my often sleeping 10 or 11 hours a day. I told her I was lazy. She also says that she can sleep nights when she isn't working. Unlike me, I still stay awake all night on my version of a weekend. I would prefer to work during the day and sleep at night.
During the early morning hours of this Wednesday I have been doing laundry and reading while B sleeps. I would rather be in bed next to him, but since I can't sleep I stay up and attempt to be productive with my time.